-Multilingual. The application has been developed following the Java internationalization methodology. Nowadays, there is a Spanish, English, French, Polish, Portuguese and Czech version. Contributors are welcome for customization to other languages.
-Definition and management of different metadata repositories (repositories may also contain data files), including the selection and filtering of metadata records stored in each local metadata repository.
-Metadata edition in conformance with "ISO 19115. Geographic Information - Metadata" standard (ISO 19115:2003/Cor 1 2006, ISO/TS 19139:2007 XML encoding). Edition interfaces adapted to different metadata profiles
-Metadata edition in conformance with "ISO 19119. Geographic information - Services" standard (ISO 19119:2005). Edition interfaces adapted to different metadata profiles
Metadata edition in conformance with the Dublin Core metadata standard (ISO 15836). This tool follows the guidelines for expressing Dublin Core metadata using the Resource Description Framework.
Customization of the tool to support new standards and metadata profiles according to user needs.
Automatic metadata generation for some data file formats: Shapefile, DGN, ECW, FICC, GeoTiff, GIF/GFW, JPG/JGW, PNG/PGW.
-Automatic metadata generation for spatial series. CatMDEdit allows the automatic creation of metadata for collections of related resources, in particular spatial series arisen as a result of the fragmentation of geometric resources into datasets of manageable size and similar scale. more